The Chief Engineering of Satellite Telecommunications Group was established within the General Directorate of PTT.
Membership to the Intelsat (International Telecommunications Satellite Organization) Organization. The first telephone channels via satellite were co-established in the same year by taking the advantage of the ground stations in Yugoslavia and Iran.
April 23rd, 1979
Our first satellite ground station AKA-1 (Ankara-1) was put into service by establishing 11 telephone channels with England. Thanks to commissioning AKA-1, communication with 13 countries was achieved by using the Atlantic-region satellites through Intelsat
April 10th, 1985
The first fiber optic cable increasing channel capacity for communication was laid underground between Ankara (Ulus) and Gölbaşı Satellite Ground Station, so that the 140-Mb/sec. system was commissioned at 1310 nm wavelength.
November 1985
AKA-2 ground station working with the Eutelsat system was commissioned.
March 4th, 1987
The first video conference through satellite system in Europe was held in our country.
December 21st, 1990
The "Türksat National Communication Satellites" contract was concluded with Aerospatiale Company from France.
August 11th, 1994
Turkey's Türksat 1B satellite was launched and put successfully into 42° East orbit.
October 10th, 1994
Türksat 1B was commissioned following the orbit tests.
July 10th, 1996
Turkey's second satellite, Türksat 1C, was launched and put into 31.3° E orbit.
November 7th, 1996
The founding agreement of Eurasiasat, the partners of which were Aerospatiale, manufacturing Türksat satellites, and Türk Telekom, was concluded.
November 15th, 1996
The Company came into operation under the same Eurasiasat S.A.M. to be responsible for the manufacturing of Türksat 2A satellite and marketing its services.
January 11th, 2001
Türksat 2A (Eurasiasat 1) satellite manufactured by Eurasiasat company established in partnership with Türk Telekom and Alcatel company launched by Ariane 4 rocket from Kourou Base in South America.
July 22nd, 2004
In order to conduct satellite communication services, which was previously conducted by Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş., under a new company, Türksat A.Ş. was founded by Law no. 5189.
June 13th, 2008
Türksat 3A satellite launched from the French Guiana on June 13th, 2008 at 01:05 by Ariane 5 rocket and put into 42.0° East orbit.
April 26th, 2013
Turksat 3USAT first domestic designed and manufactured low orbit satellite launched from Jinguan in China.
February 14th, 2014
Turksat 4A communication satellite launched by Proton rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
October 16th, 2015
Turksat 4B communication satellite launched by Proton Breeze M vehicle from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and put into 50° East orbit.
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