05 July 2020

The Coronavirus pandemic, which has taken hold of the whole world, continues to have an effect on many different fields from health to the economy, from politics to our social life. In an era which has changed the world’s “daily habits,” the effects of it can also be observed in Turkey.

Schools and universities have been suspended. Due to the pandemic, the numbers of individuals working from home have increased. While the rate and time of internet usage at home has changed, service providers have explained the despite the intensity, there will be no problems and the necessary measures have been taken.

In his statement to a TRT news reporter, Türksat Vice-President Abdülkadir Şener stated that internet usage has increased compared to recent years due to the Coronavirus, he continued:

By taking into consideration the current number of subscribers and usage rates, the communication infrastructure of our company is renewed every year with predictions for the coming years. Therefore, necessary studies regarding the intensity of use have been carried out in the previous years and will continue to do so. From the end user and communication infrastructure perspective, the necessary measures have been taken by our technical teams to provide a solution as soon as possible in the case of a technical problem. After the increase in use, we have carried out the necessary scaling studies regarding the Kablonet infrastructure. We don’t anticipate that there will be any problems.”