05 July 2020

Awards were given at the 5th A.C.E Awards 2020 (Achievement in Customer Excellence), Turkey’s customer satisfaction measurement platform sikayetvar.com.

At the award ceremony held on 6 March 2020, the Cable Services Customer Relations Directorate was awarded first prize in two different categories.

The award for the Kablo TV brand in the Digital Platform category was received by Türksat CEO Cenk Şen. On behalf of Türksat, the Director of Cable Services Customer Relations as well as personnel from Cable Systems Directorate accepted the first place award for the Kablo TV brand in the Internet Service Providers category.

At the award ceremony Cenk Şen said the following:

As a company that keeps customer satisfaction at the highest level and aims to get hold of the newest in terms of services, we aim to develop collaborative projects with content providers, to make cooperation agreements and to bring new and quality content to the platform. I would like to thank my entire team who contributed to us receiving this award.